Tag: Suits

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Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Contests and Giveaways, Drama
Sheila I’m so bummed that I missed my chance to get in on this giveaway, but I’m still so thrilled that Suits has finally returned. I first heard about it when a few USA representatives came to promote the show before its premiere at the DISH call center I work at, and I’ve been following the show since. Even now that I started watching other shows that air at the same time as Suits, I don’t have to choose watching one over the other because I have a DISH Hopper. I can record six different things at the same time during primetime thanks to the PrimeTime Anytime feature on my DVR. So not only do I get all the primetime shows from the four major networks, but I also get may favorites like Suits and Archer!
Geraldine I liked Series & TV on Facebook, and I also liked this article. :)
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Action, Burn Notice
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Kelsey good or bad?
Guillermo Paz Oh yeah... something happens
Guillermo Paz onto Contests and Giveaways, Drama
Jake I've never seen the show but if I win I'll have to check it out
bn100 I watch the show for Harvey and Donna's conversations.
