Casonia logenberry
I don't know what your going to do in the future.. But many people love your trade mark words and many people love your style and your smile and your laughter and I hope you and your family are doing well.
Casonia logenberry
You did a good job on the show and often left us hanging and wanting more and I Really love One life to live and it makes me feel connected to my mother in so many ways and even though she has been gone for 30 years...I still feel that I am shareing that moment with her. Wendy Williams it was a nice change to see you do something different
Hi Wendy,
I have a great way to promote your show for Valentine Day for next year. If you are interested in something different and great, call me.
Hi Wendy,
Your Valentine promotion this year was great for the romantics, but I have a great idea that will really promote your show for next year. Call me if you are interested in a new way to promote Valenetine, other than the standard way.